I don’t know why I feel like the world needs to know my shortcomings. Maybe in the near future I would like to do some braggy blogs, which I will now refer to as blags. I will show pictures of my house, or my children and I will make you think that life here is incredible. So here’s the honest truth.
Fake |
I am a terrible housekeeper. Oh I have known worse, my house is not up for an episode of hoarders! Here’s how it is though - in a spell of nice weather today I decided to really, really clean my house. I started with my kitchen bathroom and decided to backtrack and stock all my bathrooms with toilet paper. Except I can’t. Because I don’t. Have. Any. Toilet paper. Literally not one square in my house. I am not talking about having no extra rolls. I have three bathrooms, and an empty roll is on each toilet paper roller.
I have excuses. We have been sick. We haven’t been to the store, and some family members have probably been using it for facial tissue. One of my children has been having some serious issues that have been taking up a lot of mental space. But we know that this is outrageous don’t we?
My feelings about cleaning range from being in awe of those who can keep a clean house. Dynamic, energetic, organized people. Detail oriented people. Hat’s off to them, I would like some of that. But there’s a little part of me, not the good part of me, that thinks I have more important things to do. That’s right, I think that I should not have to clean because my skills could be better used decorating a cake or sewing curtains, or painting something black.
Which means…that I think that someone else who doesn’t have all my “skills” should be here cleaning my mess for me. Not consciously. There is no human being that I know of that I think is less than me and should be here putting things to rights, and buying me some freaking TP for Pete’s sake (except for my husband, who just did, I digress). But subconsciously, yes. I want a maid.
Since I don’t have a maid, I will make up for my lack of housekeeping by taking great photos. I will focus on a current project, and you will not see the top of my dresser piled with clothes. Except for today. Today I will post the Christmas picture I took of my kids a few years ago, totally set up and fake. I will also show the photo I took a few weeks later, without planning, I took a “real” photo of life at our house.
Real |
Thanks for indulging my dirty secret.